“Fantastic Book release by Tom Camp and Digital Recording School. There are a lot of books out there that have hundreds of pages on audio topics that often go on and on. Tom gets right to point and offers tons of value packed in 40 pages- and without any filler for those that are interested in improving their mixing game.”
The methods outlined in The Gain Changer have been responsible for helping countless others get better at mixing and even build up their recording businesses.
Without it, you'll waste your time with buying expensive plugin after plugin guessing how to get a better mix and then wondering where it all went wrong...
"If I only had (insert piece of gear here), then my mix would be great!"
-Every Studio Owner Ever (Lying to Themselves)
With The Gain Changer, you'll eliminate all the guesswork and will never again waste time or money in your pursuit towards becoming a better mix engineer.
Use and enjoy!
You're Only One Step Away From Better Mixes
You're Only One Step Away From Better Mixes